Rs.2,999.00 Rs.3,500.00
Anjeer is an extremely nourishing food and is used as an important ingredient in industrial products. It is a rich source of various vitamins, minerals, water, and fat. As compared to other plant sources, it is one of the highest sources of dietary fiber and calcium. Anjeer dried fruits are abundant in manganese, iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, and thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin K. These fruits contain 17 different types of amino acid out of which glutamine and aspartic acid are the highest ones. They also contain plenty of health-promoting bioactive compounds such as ARABINOSE, β-AMYRINS, β-CAROTENES, GLYCOSIDES, β-SITOSTEROLS, and XANTHOTOXOL. Anjeers are a rich source of carotenoids such as LYCOPENE, LUTEIN, CRYPTOXANTHIN, β-CAROTENES, and α-CAROTENES.